Cushioning Foot Filler Injections
Safe effective cushioning foot filler injections for painful feet and toes
01420 89600
Safe effective cushioning foot filler injections for painful feet and toes
01420 89600
Are you struggling with painful feet? Cannot find comfortable shoes, padding doesn't work, insoles fail to help, unable to wear high heels, corns and hard skin getting worse? Walking not fun, quality of life affected? If yes, to any of the above then please read on. Foot cushioning fillers may be the answer.
Check out this great video demonstrating Katrina Waller injecting dermal filler into sole of foot to replace fat pad loss.
Foot cushioning filler injections for painful feet is an effective procedure whereby individuals have significant fat pad loss. It is also great for eradicating painful corns and callousities. The procedure involves subcutaneous injection of high density, long lasting hyaluronic acid fillers.
Left: Cross section of forefoot demonstrates where filler ( pink) is safely deposited under the ball of the big toe.
Katrina Waller is an aesthetic podiatrist who specialises in the application of dermal filler injections to cushion the soles of painful feet and toes. Katrina qualified in 1985 in Chiropody and Podiatry. She undertook further advanced training 2009 -11, with The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, in foot filler procedures. There are only a handful of UK Podiatrists who offer and can perform this revolutionary procedure helping to put the bounce back in your feet.
Katrina offers a 360 degree tailored treatment plan for patients seeking foot filler injections for painful feet. It is important to understand why a patient has foot pain. To evaluate how cushioning fillers will work alongside corrective biomechanical measures to include orthotic insoles and footwear. Appropriate aftercare will enhance and optimise results to make fillers last longer.
Cushioning foot fillers are ideal for patients who are struggling to find a solution for:
Cushioning foot fillers are hyaluronic dermal gels which are injected subcutaneously beneath the skin. Fillers are not injected deep into underlying tissue structures thus are safe. They plump up areas that require padding and volume to act as internal cushioning to relieve pain and discomfort caused by pressure and stress.
Dermal foot fillers are more viscous than those chosen for facial procedures. The filler will last 12- 24 months depending on foot shape, health and lifestyle.
Cushioning foot fillers are safe and appropriate for most individuals with fat pad loss, areas subject to high stress loads, but a thorough consultation is required with Katrina to assess whether this procedure will be effective for a patient's particular needs.
Diabetic and rheumatoid patients who are at risk of developing ulcerations and painful callouses will benefit from dermal cushioning fillers. Fillers will increase the foot's ability to cope with mechanical stresses.
After assessing foot structure, anatomy and areas of fat loss and pain, appropriate analgesia will performed. This may be a simple toe local anaesthetic or a nerve ankle block to numb sole of the foot. This is a comfortable procedure which is not rushed. 1 -1 1/2 hours are required.
Once analgesia is established the filler is carefully and slowly injected just beneath the surface of the skin to where it is required. The filler is not injected into joints or deep underlying structures.
After the injection process the area of concern is padded with deflective padding, and if required an orthotic is issued to improve foot alignment.
The filler chosen for by this practitioner for foot cushioning injections are Stylage by Vivacy and HYAcorp MLF1 by BioScience. Both fillers offer great results. Stylage is chosen for smaller targeted areas, whilst MLF1 for larger areas requiring more volumisation. Both fillers are high cross-linked hyaluronic acid indicated for volume restoration and shaping.
These fillers will naturally break down over 12 -24 months causing no toxic side effects. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the body, in joints, skin and eyes.
The cushioning effects of the fillers are appreciated immediately after the procedure. Patients may have a little bruising, inflammation and discomfort for a few days post operatively, but this soon dissipates.
More serious side-effects are those that occur with any specialist injectable procedure e.g. infection, nodules, potential movement of filler. Displacement of foot fillers can be mitigated with deflective padding, insoles, avoidance of inappropriate footwear and reduction of activity levels for a few days post-operatively.
To book an appointment with Katrina Waller please use the contact form below or call the clinic directly on: 01420 89600.
You will be asked to fill in a preliminary Health Questionnaire and specific questions relevant to your case.
You will be asked to send in photographs highlighting your issues. Once Katrina has all the relevant material an appointment for a consultation will be made or a Zoom call.
A face to face consultation is preferred. Currently there are no restrictions with Covid rules.
Katrina works at 2 clinical locations; Alton, Hampshire and Westbourne West Sussex.
Small amounts of filler injected over toes joints will eliminate painful corns and callous formation.
Toe will require local analgesia. 30 minutes.
Toes will require local analgesia. 30 - 60 minutes
Medium to large volumes of filler injected to replace fat pad loss
Ankle block analgesia required. 60 minutes.
2 ankle block anaesthetics required. 90 minutes
Prices may vary by less or more depending on severity of condition and how many cartidges of product are required for optimal results
Please send us a message, or call us for an appointment or information.
01420 89600
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